Monosodium citrate API Manufacturers

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Looking for Monosodium citrate API 18996-35-5?

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API | Excipient name:
Monosodium citrate 
sodium dihydrogen citrate , natrium citricum acidulatum  
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Monosodium citrate is a type of Citrate salts

Citrate salts are a subcategory of pharmaceutical active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. These salts are derived from citric acid, a natural compound found in citrus fruits. Citrate salts are commonly utilized in various medications due to their excellent solubility and stability characteristics.

One of the most prominent citrate salts is potassium citrate, which is widely prescribed for the treatment and prevention of kidney stones. It works by increasing urine pH, reducing the concentration of stone-forming minerals, and inhibiting stone formation. Potassium citrate is also used as a buffering agent in various oral pharmaceutical formulations.

Calcium citrate is another notable member of the citrate salt family. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement to enhance calcium intake, particularly for individuals with calcium deficiencies or those who have difficulty absorbing calcium from other sources. Calcium citrate offers better absorption in comparison to other calcium salts, making it a popular choice for supplementation.

Sodium citrate, yet another citrate salt, is frequently employed as an anticoagulant during blood transfusions and hemodialysis procedures. It prevents clotting by binding to calcium ions in the blood, thereby inhibiting coagulation pathways.

Overall, citrate salts play a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry, offering a range of therapeutic benefits. Their versatility, solubility, and stability make them valuable components in various medications, dietary supplements, and medical procedures.

Monosodium citrate (Citrate salts), classified under Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolyte

Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes: A Comprehensive Technical DescriptionTherapeutic nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes are a vital category of pharmaceutical active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used to support and enhance overall health and well-being. These compounds play a crucial role in maintaining the body's physiological balance, aiding in various metabolic processes, and addressing specific deficiencies.

Therapeutic nutrients encompass a broad range of substances, including vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Vitamins are organic compounds required in small quantities for proper bodily functions and are essential for growth, development, and disease prevention. Minerals, on the other hand, are inorganic substances that support numerous physiological processes, such as bone formation, nerve function, and energy production.

Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge when dissolved in bodily fluids, including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride. They play a crucial role in maintaining proper hydration, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and pH balance.

Pharmaceutical APIs in the Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolyte category are designed to address specific deficiencies or imbalances in the body. These APIs are often used in the formulation of dietary supplements, nutritional products, and therapeutic treatments. They are manufactured under stringent quality control guidelines to ensure purity, potency, and bioavailability.

Therapeutic nutrients/minerals/electrolytes APIs are available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, and liquid formulations. They are formulated to meet specific dosage requirements and can be combined with other ingredients for targeted health benefits.

Overall, therapeutic nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes APIs are essential components in maintaining optimal health. Their use helps address deficiencies, support bodily functions, and promote overall well-being. Pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals rely on these high-quality APIs to develop effective and safe products that contribute to a healthier population.