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Ammar Badwy
| Posted on September 18, 2020

Exhibitor at the CPhI? Check out these 10 tips

With the kick-off to the event getting closer and closer, we thought it might be a good idea to highlight some tips for those who are “hosting” the CPhI: the exhibitors.

This year might be the first time your company has its own stand at the CPhI; maybe your company has been there since the beginning of the event over 25 years ago.

We hope that, nonetheless, these tips will be of value to you and your company.

1.     Let the people know

With more than 1500 exhibitors at the venue, you can imagine your clients and relations not knowing about your presence in Delhi. Stay ahead of the competition and make sure to inform everyone you want to visit you at the CPhI where they can find you at the venue.

An easy way to achieve this is to include your CPhI details in the signature of your e-mail, posting updates on LinkedIn and other social media, shouting your stand number from the rooftops, or to send out a newsletter with all the CPhI details; maybe even including a handy map for your relations to find you.


2.     Keeping it fresh

The appearance and contents of your booth are basically the business card to your company.

First impressions are important but second impressions are also important, people who visit the CPhI every year will want to see something new from your company. So try to innovate your stand and show new products and developments prominently.

Just like chocolate chip cookies, you’d prefer them fresh instead of old and stale. Yes, in this analogy your booth at the CPhI is a chocolate chip cookie.

3.     Being the crowd puller

Exhibitions are all about attention. Make sure there is something going on at your booth.

By having lots of people present at the same time you’ll get even more attention from other visitors (people + people = more people). By giving a product demo, holding a contest or by running a giveaway you will leave an unforgettable impression.

You’ll get more fun out of it yourself too.


4.     Wait, what did we discuss again?

Of course you can write down some keywords of the conversation you just had at the back of a business card. But after a couple of days/weeks and meeting lots and lots of new people you won’t remember the essence of the conversation.

Make it easy for yourself by setting up a step-by-step form where you can write down the relevant information of the conversation. Don’t forget to write down the follow-up actions you plan on doing. You can categorize your leads from suspects to hot-prospects.

Writing notes of what you’re discussing is also a way of showing you’re taking the other person seriously.

5.     Refreshments for your guests

The CPhI is the perfect place to set appointments with contacts you’ve only been able to communicate with through digital means and can finally meet face-to-face.

It would be hospitable to make sure they’re comfortable and that you can provide them with some refreshments.

Coffee, tea, cookies, maybe even some Chicken tiki masala (we’re in India after all), a bottle of water, et cetera.


6.     Your online presence

You’ll be at the CPhI in physical form and even though there will be over 50K professionals from the industry visiting, that’s not all of them.

Extend your offline presence to the online world using social media such as LinkedIn or Facebook. You’ll be able to reach out to your followers on those platforms simply by posting updates about the event or by posting a few pictures here and there.

Even more so, it might be fun for your colleagues and crew who helped you prepare to get a sneak peek into the world of CPhI.


7.     Stretching your legs

During the three days you’re spending at the CPhI, don’t stick around your own booth all the time. Go on adventures just like Indiana Jones would do. Stretch your legs and roam around for a bit in the vicinity of your booth.

Make sure to bring your business cards and consider wearing a name tag and a badge with the logo of your company.

Now all of a sudden you’re a portable display for your company, open for questions and feedback from everyone who’s interested in your business.

8.     Your pitch

Most salespeople are smooth talkers? A great misunderstanding. What’s more important is asking the right questions.

Just think of it as a game, the visitor has a deeper need which he or she won’t share right away and you need to discover what it is by asking questions in the likes of: what, when, where, who, why and how can we help you with what you’re looking for?

Successful salespeople listen 75% of the time and only talk for about 25%. Most people are not interested in the entire timeline of your company and if they are, they will ask you about it themselves. If you handle it right you won’t spend much time on people who aren’t interested in the first place and are just being polite.


9.     Rest

It’s just a matter of time until the CPhI will be approved as a new Olympic sport. You’ll be asking a lot from your body and mind as well.

Give yourself some rest too, eat well and make sure you catch enough sleep so you’ll start the next day fresh too.

10.  The return

You’re back at the office and you can start to connect with all of your new relations on LinkedIn.

Give your new friends some time to check all of their unread messages so wait for a few days before sending them a message. It’s important to make a great impression by doing what you have promised.

As co-founder of I believe that nowadays your online presence is highly important but the impression your company leaves face-to-face is equally important.


These are our ten tips. Feel free to share any tips of your own in the comments. I wish you all the best and some successful days at the exhibition!

Ammar Badwy


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