all API suppliers
in one place!
130.000 monthly users
Find GMP, FDA, CEP suppliers
30.000+ registered buyers 130.000 monthly users Find GMP, FDA, CEP suppliers
How does it work?
Our platform allows you to connect directly with suppliers who provide price offers on the platform. We do not take part in the contract and do not charge any commission.
Whether you are looking for an API or a CDMO partner for your project, you can follow our intuitive inquiry flow and send a quote within minutes.
Start by registering and filling out the company details.
Start sourcing
Type in the API name or service you’re looking for.
Send inquiries
You can submit multiple inquiries per product for free.
Start a conversation
Suppliers get notified by system about your inquiry.
Trusted by 30,000+ registered pharma professionals:
Reach multinationals, SMEs, compounding pharmacies & more!
Why Pharmaoffer?
All medicine manufacturers, regardless of size, need Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), but finding them is challenging due to strict market regulations, leading to inefficiencies and high prices that benefit only traders. provides global access to affordable, high-quality raw materials for all medicine makers.
More choice
Increase your network worldwide. Direct contact means lower prices
Direct contact with the supplier of your choice through our chat system
You can compare all available suppliers on our independent platform
Easy to use
Clear and easy-to-use platform. Find all info in one place!
Discover API Trade Intelligence
Pharmaoffer’s newest service provides exclusive insights into API pricing, global transactions, and competitor activities.
With access to trade data from nearly 200 countries, you can:
- benchmark prices,
- track market trends,
- identify new opportunities to strengthen your supply chain.
Start your free trial of Trade Data Pro and explore three product pages – no payment required and no commitments.
What people say about us
“There are too many traders without added value in the supply chain. They make APIs expensive and communication slow. Pharma buyers should not be dependent on them”
Meet our clients
Pharmaoffer in the news
We believe that we can change the API market for the benefit of global health. We digitize a traditional market and our mission has not gone unnoticed in the international press.
What brings you here?
I need a clear overview of suppliers that meet my quality standards.
I’m a supplier
I want to learn how to promote my products and connect with buyers.
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I’d like to explore the platform and learn more about the team.