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Looking for Deltamethrin API 52918-63-5?

Here you will find a list of producers, manufacturers and distributors of Deltamethrin. You can filter on certificates such as GMP, FDA, CEP, Written Confirmation and more. Send inquiries for free and get in direct contact with the supplier of your choice.
API | Excipient name:
Cas Number:
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General Description:

Deltamethrin is a chemical compound identified by the CAS number 52918-63-5. It is known for its distinct pharmacological properties and applications.


Deltamethrin belongs to the class of organic compounds known as pyrethroids. These are organic compounds similar to the pyrethrins. Some pyrethroids containing a chrysanthemic acid esterified with a cyclopentenone (pyrethrins), or with a phenoxybenzyl group, classified under the direct parent group Pyrethroids. This compound is a part of the Organic compounds, falling under the Lipids and lipid-like molecules superclass, and categorized within the Fatty Acyls class, specifically within the Fatty acid esters subclass.


Deltamethrin is categorized under the following therapeutic classes: Agrochemicals, Antiparasitic Products, Insecticides and Repellents, Compounds used in a research, industrial, or household setting, Cyclopentane Monoterpenes, Ectoparasiticides, Incl. Scabicides, Insecticides and Repellents, Insecticides, Insecticides and Repellents, Monoterpenes, Pesticides, Pyrethrines, Terpenes, Toxic Actions. These classifications highlight the drug's diverse therapeutic applications and its importance in treating various conditions.

Deltamethrin is a type of Antiparasitics

Antiparasitics are a category of pharmaceutical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) that are used to combat parasitic infections in humans and animals. These APIs play a crucial role in the field of medicine and veterinary care by targeting and eliminating various parasites, such as protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.

The use of antiparasitics is essential in preventing and treating parasitic diseases, which can cause significant health issues and even be life-threatening. These APIs work by interfering with the parasite's vital biological processes, such as reproduction, metabolism, and survival mechanisms.

Pharmaceutical companies develop and manufacture a wide range of antiparasitic APIs to cater to different parasitic infections. Some common examples of antiparasitics include anthelmintics (used against intestinal worms), antimalarials (used to treat malaria), and ectoparasiticides (used to control external parasites like ticks and fleas).

The development of antiparasitic APIs requires rigorous research, including the identification of suitable targets within the parasite's biology and the formulation of effective chemical compounds. Safety and efficacy are paramount in the manufacturing of antiparasitics, ensuring that they effectively combat the targeted parasites while minimizing adverse effects on the host.

Overall, antiparasitics are vital tools in the fight against parasitic infections, benefiting both human and animal health. Through ongoing research and development, the pharmaceutical industry continues to innovate and improve antiparasitic APIs, contributing to the advancement of healthcare and the well-being of individuals and their animal companions.