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Looking for Olprinone API 106730-54-5?

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API | Excipient name:
Loprinone , Olprinone  
Cas Number:
DrugBank number:
Unique Ingredient Identifier:

General Description:

Olprinone is a chemical compound identified by the CAS number 106730-54-5. It is known for its distinct pharmacological properties and applications.


Olprinone is categorized under the following therapeutic classes: Cardiotonic Agents, Cardiovascular Agents, Compounds used in a research, industrial, or household setting, Enzyme Inhibitors, Phosphodiesterase 3 Inhibitors, Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors, Protective Agents, Pyridines. These classifications highlight the drug's diverse therapeutic applications and its importance in treating various conditions.

Olprinone is a type of Cardiac stimulants

Cardiac stimulants are a crucial category of pharmaceutical active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used in the treatment of cardiac disorders. These medications are designed to enhance the functioning of the heart by stimulating its electrical impulses and increasing its contractility.

Cardiac stimulants work by targeting specific receptors in the heart, promoting the release of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters bind to adrenergic receptors, leading to an increased heart rate and force of contraction, which helps improve cardiac output.

One commonly used cardiac stimulant API is Dobutamine. Dobutamine acts primarily on beta-1 adrenergic receptors in the heart, increasing the strength of cardiac contractions while minimizing the impact on heart rate. This makes it a valuable medication in cases of acute heart failure or during cardiac stress testing.

Another well-known cardiac stimulant API is Isoproterenol. Isoproterenol acts on both beta-1 and beta-2 adrenergic receptors, resulting in increased heart rate, contractility, and relaxation of the smooth muscles in the bronchi. It is commonly used in the treatment of bradycardia, heart block, and certain types of asthma.

Cardiac stimulant APIs play a vital role in cardiovascular medicine and are often used in emergency situations or as temporary measures to improve heart function. However, it is important to note that their use requires careful monitoring and should be administered under medical supervision due to potential side effects such as increased blood pressure, arrhythmias, and myocardial ischemia.

In conclusion, cardiac stimulant APIs are a critical category of pharmaceutical ingredients used to enhance heart function. Medications like Dobutamine and Isoproterenol act on specific receptors in the heart, leading to increased contractility and heart rate. While these medications provide important therapeutic benefits, their use should be closely monitored by medical professionals due to potential side effects.