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API | Excipient name:
Iduronate 2-sulfatase  
Cas Number:
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About Idursulfase

It's time for some technical information for the ones who understand chemistry: Idursulfase is a purified form of human iduronate-2-sulfatase, a lysosomal enzyme. Idursulfase is produced by recombinant DNA technology in a human cell line. Idursulfase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes the 2-sulfate esters of terminal iduronate sulfate residues from the glycosaminoglycans dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate in the lysosomes of various cell types. Idursulfase is a 525-amino acid glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 76 kilodaltons.

The enzyme contains eight asparagine-linked glycosylation sites occupied by complex oligosaccharide structures. The enzyme activity of idursulfase is dependent on the post-translational modification of a specific cysteine to formylglycine.

You can find more info about this product by clicking on the DB ID above.