Nabilone API Manufacturers

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Looking for Nabilone API 51022-71-0?

Here you will find a list of producers, manufacturers and traders of Nabilone. You can sort by certificates such as GMP, FDA, CEP, Written Confirmation and more. Send inquiries for free and get in direct contact with the supplier of your choice.
API | Excipient name:
Cesamet , Nabilon , Nabilona , Nabilone , Nabilonum  
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About Nabilone

Do you want to know more about Nabilone? You can find a small explanation about it here. Nabilone (marketed as Cesamet) is a synthetic form of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ⁹-THC), the primary psychoactive component of cannabis (marijuana). Although structurally distinct from THC, nabilone mimics THC's structure and pharmacological activity through weak partial agonist activity at Cannabinoid-1 (CB1R) and Cannabinoid-2 (CB2R) receptors, however it is considered to be twice as active as Δ⁹-THC. Nabilone is approved by the FDA for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional antiemetic treatments.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the two most abundant cannabinoids found naturally in the resin of the marijuana plant, both of which are pharmacologically active due to their interaction with cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout the body.

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Nabilone is a type of Non-opioid analgesics

Non-opioid analgesics are a subcategory of pharmaceutical active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) that are widely used for the management of pain. Unlike opioids, which are known to have addictive properties, non-opioid analgesics offer pain relief without the risk of dependence or addiction.

These APIs work by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are substances in the body that contribute to pain and inflammation. Non-opioid analgesics are typically available over-the-counter (OTC) and come in various forms such as tablets, capsules, creams, and gels.

One of the most common non-opioid analgesics is acetaminophen, which is highly effective in relieving mild to moderate pain. It is commonly used to alleviate headaches, toothaches, and musculoskeletal pain. Another popular non-opioid analgesic is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen. These medications not only reduce pain but also have anti-inflammatory properties, making them particularly useful for conditions such as arthritis.

Non-opioid analgesics are generally well-tolerated but can have potential side effects, including gastrointestinal disturbances and, in rare cases, liver or kidney damage. It is important to follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional if there are any concerns or underlying medical conditions.

In conclusion, non-opioid analgesics are a vital category of pharmaceutical APIs that offer effective pain relief without the risk of addiction. Their accessibility, diverse formulations, and relatively favorable safety profile make them a popular choice for individuals seeking relief from various types of pain.

Nabilone (Non-opioid analgesics), classified under Analgesics

Analgesics are a category of pharmaceutical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) that are commonly used to relieve pain. They are designed to alleviate discomfort by targeting the body's pain receptors or by reducing inflammation. Analgesics are widely utilized in the medical field to manage various types of pain, ranging from mild to severe.

One of the primary classes of analgesics is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs work by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, substances that contribute to pain and inflammation. This class includes well-known drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen. Another class of analgesics is opioids, which are derived from opium or synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of opium. Opioids act on the central nervous system to reduce pain perception and provide potent pain relief. Examples of opioids include morphine, codeine, and oxycodone.

Analgesics are available in various forms, such as tablets, capsules, creams, and injections, allowing for different routes of administration based on the patient's needs. They are commonly used to manage pain associated with conditions like arthritis, headaches, dental procedures, and post-operative recovery.

It is important to note that analgesics should be used under medical supervision, as improper use or overuse can lead to adverse effects, including gastrointestinal complications, addiction, and respiratory depression in the case of opioids. Therefore, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to assess each patient's individual needs and prescribe the appropriate analgesic and dosage.

In summary, analgesics are a vital category of pharmaceutical APIs used to alleviate pain by targeting pain receptors or reducing inflammation. With various classes and forms available, they provide valuable options for pain management when used responsibly and under medical guidance.