Fomepizole API Manufacturers

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Looking for Fomepizole API 7554-65-6?

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API | Excipient name:
Antizol , Fomepizol , Fomepizole , Fomepizolum  
Cas Number:
DrugBank number:
Unique Ingredient Identifier:

About Fomepizole

What can you use it for? Fomepizole is used as an antidote in confirmed or suspected methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning. Fomepizole is a competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that catalyzes the initial steps in the metabolism of ethylene glycol and methanol to their toxic metabolites.

More information such as the structure, indication or toxicity is available on Drugbank, click the ID above.

Fomepizole is a type of Antidotes

Antidotes are a vital subcategory of pharmaceutical active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) that play a crucial role in counteracting the toxic effects of certain substances or drugs. These specialized substances are developed to treat and reverse the harmful effects caused by accidental or intentional poisonings, drug overdoses, or adverse reactions.

Antidotes work through various mechanisms to neutralize or counteract the toxic effects of specific substances. They may function by binding to the toxin directly, preventing it from interacting with its target receptors or enzymes. Alternatively, they may stimulate enzymatic pathways that metabolize and eliminate the toxic substance from the body more rapidly.

The development of antidotes involves rigorous research and testing to ensure their safety and efficacy. Clinical trials are conducted to evaluate their effectiveness in treating poisoning cases and to establish appropriate dosing regimens. Furthermore, antidotes are subject to stringent regulatory guidelines to ensure their quality, purity, and consistency.

Medical professionals, particularly toxicologists and emergency healthcare providers, rely on antidotes to manage and treat poisoning emergencies effectively. Antidotes are essential tools in the emergency department and poison control centers, where timely administration can be life-saving.

In summary, antidotes are specialized pharmaceutical APIs designed to counteract the toxic effects of specific substances. Their development, testing, and regulatory compliance are crucial to ensure their efficacy and safety. These critical medications are indispensable in the field of emergency medicine and play a pivotal role in saving lives affected by poisoning incidents.

Fomepizole (Antidotes), classified under Antidotes, Deterrents, and Toxicologic Agents

Antidotes, Deterrents, and Toxicologic Agents are an important category of pharmaceutical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) that play a critical role in healthcare and toxicology. These substances are designed to counteract the effects of poisons, toxins, and overdoses, thereby saving lives and preventing severe health consequences.

Antidotes are substances that neutralize the toxic effects of certain drugs, chemicals, or poisons. They work by either directly binding to the toxic substance or by blocking its harmful actions on the body. Antidotes are administered in emergency situations to quickly reverse the effects of poisoning and restore normal physiological functions.

Deterrents, on the other hand, are pharmaceutical agents used to discourage or prevent harmful behaviors, such as substance abuse. They are designed to make the ingestion or misuse of certain substances unpleasant or less desirable. Deterrents can be formulated to cause unpleasant side effects, such as nausea or vomiting, when a particular substance is consumed in excessive amounts.

Toxicologic agents encompass a broad range of pharmaceutical APIs used in toxicology studies and research. These substances are employed to investigate the toxicity, metabolism, and mechanisms of action of various chemicals and compounds. Toxicologic agents are vital for understanding the potential hazards and risks associated with certain substances, ensuring the safety of drugs, and developing effective treatments for poisoning cases.

In conclusion, Antidotes, Deterrents, and Toxicologic Agents are essential categories of pharmaceutical APIs that address poisoning emergencies, deter harmful behaviors, and enable toxicological research. Their development and availability are crucial for safeguarding public health, enhancing patient care, and advancing our understanding of toxicology.

Fomepizole manufacturers | traders | suppliers

We have 3 companies offering Fomepizole produced in 2 different countries.

Get in contact with the supplier of your choice:

  • Seratec from France, product country of origin France
  • NAVINTA from United States, product country of origin Unknown
  • Orgapharm from France, product country of origin France

Let the supplier know whether you are looking for a product with a specific monograph such as EP (Ph. Eur.), USP, JP, BP or another quality. Or, whether you are looking for hydrochloride (HCl), anhydricum, base, micronisatum or a specific purity.

You can use the filters to find high-quality suppliers. For example, you can select GMP, FDA or ISO certified suppliers. Visit our FAQ page or use the chat box in the corner to get more information about Pharmaoffer.