Alphameprodine API Manufacturers

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This product is listed at the international narcotic list. The purchase and handling are strictly ruled by national and international laws. Pharmaoffer will validate buyers and suppliers before an order can be settled.



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This is because of international laws regarding narcotic materials. Furthermore, the contents of this page are only accessible if you are professionaly active in the pharmaceutical industry. In case you are, it is possible to register on our platform, and after your account is approved by our team you will be able to view suppliers and send your request.



Looking for Alphameprodine API 468-51-9?

Here you will find a list of producers, manufacturers and traders of Alphameprodine. You can sort by certificates such as GMP, FDA, CEP, Written Confirmation and more. Send inquiries for free and get in direct contact with the supplier of your choice.
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About Alphameprodine

It's time for some technical information for the ones who understand chemistry: Alphameprodine is an opioid analgesic classified by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration under Schedule I of illegal substances. The stereoisomer betameprodine is similarly classified, however alphameprodine is more widely used (both are referred to as Meprodine). Alphameprodine is a structural analogue of meperidine. It exerts physiological effects characteristic of opioids, such as analgesia, euphoria and sedation, as well as itching, nausea, and respiratory depression.

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