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Looking for Ancrod API 9046-56-4?

Here you will find a list of producers, manufacturers and distributors of Ancrod. You can filter on certificates such as GMP, FDA, CEP, Written Confirmation and more. Send inquiries for free and get in direct contact with the supplier of your choice.
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About Ancrod

Here you will find more information about Ancrod. Ancrod, marketed as Viprinex, is a defibrinogenating agent derived from Malayan pit viper venom. The defribrinogenation of blood results in an anticoagulant effect. Currently, Viprinex®/ancrod is not approved or marketed in any country, but is being investigated as a stroke treatment in worldwide clinical trials.

In January 2005, the USA FDA granted a 'fast-track status' for investigation of ancrod use in patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke, a life threatening condition caused by the blockage of blood vessels supplying blood and oxygen to portions of the brain, for which phase III trials are currently being conducted.

More information such as the structure, indication or toxicity is available on Drugbank, click the ID above.