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Stannous fluoride API Manufacturers & Suppliers

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API | Excipient name:
Stannous fluoride 
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About Stannous fluoride

So, what does it do? Stannous Fluoride, or Tn(II) Fluoride, is a compound commonly used in toothpastes for the prevention of gingivitis, dental infections, cavities, and to relieve dental hypersensitivity. Although similar in function and activity to Sodium Fluoride (NaF), the conventionally added ingredient in toothpastes, stannous fluoride has been shown to be more effective at stopping and reversing dental lesions It manages and prevents dental caries and gingivitis by promoting enamel mineralization reducing gingival inflammation and bleeding 3 through its potential broad-spectrum antibiotic effect and modulation of the microbial composition of the dental biofilm It is an FDA-approved over-the-counter product.

More information such as the structure, indication or toxicity is available on Drugbank, click the ID above.