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Looking for Tezosentan API 180384-57-0?

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General Description:

Tezosentan, identified by CAS number 180384-57-0, is a notable compound with significant therapeutic applications. Tezosentan is an intravenous endothelin receptor A/B antagonist. Tezosentan was initially developed for vasodilation in patients with acute heart failure but studies have shown that it does not assist in the treatment of dyspnea or prevent cardiovascular events.


This drug is primarily indicated for: Investigated for use/treatment in congestive heart failure, liver disease, and heart disease. Its use in specific medical scenarios underscores its importance in the therapeutic landscape.


The half-life of Tezosentan is an important consideration for its dosing schedule: A pronounced and rapid disposition phase (half-life 6 min), accounting for the major part of the elimination, was followed by a slower phase (half-life 3 h), probably caused by distribution from tissues. This determines the duration of action and helps in formulating effective dosing regimens.


Tezosentan belongs to the class of organic compounds known as pyridinylpyrimidines. These are compounds containing a pyridinylpyrimidine skeleton, which consists of a pyridine linked (not fused) to a pyrimidine by a bond, classified under the direct parent group Pyridinylpyrimidines. This compound is a part of the Organic compounds, falling under the Organoheterocyclic compounds superclass, and categorized within the Diazines class, specifically within the Pyrimidines and pyrimidine derivatives subclass.


Tezosentan is categorized under the following therapeutic classes: Cardiovascular Agents, Receptors, Endothelin, Vasodilating Agents. These classifications highlight the drug's diverse therapeutic applications and its importance in treating various conditions.