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Thonzonium bromide API Manufacturers & Suppliers

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API | Excipient name:
Thonzonium bromide 
DrugBank number:
Unique Ingredient Identifier:

About Thonzonium bromide

Why are people looking for Thonzonium? Thonzonium is a monocationic surface-active agent with surfactant and detergent properties. It is widely used as an additive to in ear and nasal drops to enhance dispersion and penetration of cellular debris and exudate, thereby promoting tissue contact of the administered medication. A common pharmaceutical formulation of thonzonium bromide is cortisporin-TC ear drops. It is also reported that thonzonium also confers an antifungal property and antiresorptive effect on bone.

More information such as the structure, indication or toxicity is available on Drugbank, click the ID above.