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Looking for Tonabersat API 175013-84-0?

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API | Excipient name:
Cas Number:
DrugBank number:
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General Description:

Tonabersat is a chemical compound identified by the CAS number 175013-84-0. It is known for its distinct pharmacological properties and applications.


This drug is primarily indicated for: Investigated for use/treatment in migraine and cluster headaches. Its use in specific medical scenarios underscores its importance in the therapeutic landscape.


Tonabersat belongs to the class of organic compounds known as 2,2-dimethyl-1-benzopyrans. These are organic compounds containing a 1-benzopyran moiety that carries two methyl groups at the 2-position, classified under the direct parent group 2,2-dimethyl-1-benzopyrans. This compound is a part of the Organic compounds, falling under the Organoheterocyclic compounds superclass, and categorized within the Benzopyrans class, specifically within the 1-benzopyrans subclass.


Tonabersat is categorized under the following therapeutic classes: Acids, Carbocyclic, Amides, Benzene Derivatives, Benzoates, Heterocyclic Compounds, Fused-Ring, Pyrans. These classifications highlight the drug's diverse therapeutic applications and its importance in treating various conditions.